Relationship Checkup

relation-checkTom is offering a new service for those on the web.  It’s a relationship check up.  It’s for those who are questioning their relationship, wondering if couples therapy might be a help, wondering if the relationship should be salvaged, or wondering if maybe with some tweaks it could improve dramatically.  It’s a way to take a moment and assess where you are and where you might go.  It can be  done as a couple or individually if one spouse prefers not to participate.  It will be particularly helpful for those who have spouses who won’t go into traditionally couples therapy.  It can be particularly helpful to the women in learning about the masculine ways and how to better get emotionally close to the man you love.

Tell them this is not therapy, this is a consultation about your relationship. Best of all it can be done from your own home or office with no travel necessary.

To set up a relationship checkup click here.

Tom Golden has been working with couples for over 30 years and understands what prevents couples from developing love and intimacy. More importantly, he can suggest what needs to change in order to bring that intimacy into reality. Tom grew up in a loving home where both parents got along and loved their children.  He has been married for over 30 years and has continued the pattern of getting along with his spouse and loving his kids.  Check in with someone who not only knows the theory of good relationships but has been practicing family stability for many years.  There are things you can do today that may have a huge impact.  Set up a time to talk with Tom and get started on a new path that will bring you closer to getting what you want. ​

These consults can include you or you and your spouse. We can spend 50 minutes to assess where things are and to strategize a way to shift you into a more loving and harmonious time.